Oct 16, 2019
During one of our longest episodes ever, we not only celebrate the history, happenings and colorful characters that comprise the 94 year story of the one and only Democracy of Ham an' Eggs, we also say goodbye to our dear friend, and devoted Breakfast Clubber, Darrell Hughes.
We get into our audio time machine and...
Sep 8, 2019
We were all set to release this audio time travel exploration of the history, happenings and colorful characters that comprise the 94 year story of the one and only club of hospitality when word came to us that longtime Breakfast Clubber (and former club president) Darrell Hughes had died. So, this month's show...
Aug 9, 2019
This month's audio time travel expedition into the history, happenings and colorful characters that comprise the 94 year young story of the one and only Democracy of Ham an' Eggs boasts historic clips featuring the "Cheerful Philosopher", Burr McIntosh, and Co-Executive Director of the American College of Surgeons,...
Jun 4, 2019
Storyteller Adam Mellema opens the proceedings with heartfelt words about what the Los Angeles Breakfast Club means to him before the delightful Sherry Chovan welcomes you to the Shrine of Friendship and to episode 27 of "The Los Angeles Breakfast Club: ON THE AIR" ...
Because we have been away for a month, and because...
Apr 1, 2019
World War I hero Captain Forbes-Dennis welcomes you to episode 26 of "The Los Angeles Breakfast Club: ON THE AIR" with heartfelt words about the Breakfast Club, about Los Angeles, about California, and about the optimism of the American people. A short while later, his wife, the popular novelist, Phyllis Bottome...